Gender equality in local Government

RALGA contributes to creation of agents of change for gender equality in Local Government

With the purpose of promoting sustainable gender equality in Local Government, Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA) initiated various actions. They include the launching of the Local Government Women Network on 9th September 2018, the establishment of a Gender Desk in RALGA and the organization of internships in local governments for fresh university female graduates.

It is in this context that RALGA organized the 3rd round of internships for 150 females who freshly graduated from the University of Rwanda. This round is due to last 6 months starting from June 2020 in all the 30 districts of Rwanda. The activity was organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Local Government (MINALOC) and the University of Rwanda, with support from the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ).

Achieving SDG5 and increasing employment opportunities

According to Mr. Ladislas NGENDAHIMANA, Secretary General of RALGA, nurturing young girls and women through mentorship and professional internships is expected to build their readiness to serve Local Government and especially in decision-making positions. This will not only allow to bridge the gender equality gap in local government but also to create more employment opportunities. In addition, still according to Mr. Ladislas, guiding and equipping the next generation of agents of change in terms of gender equality and local governance would constitute a strong foundation for achieving the localization of SGD5, which is “Achieving gender equality and empower all women and girls”.