Urban settlement

District technicians trained on informal settlement upgrading projects

From 16th to 18th October 2019 at La Palisse Hotel in Nyamata, Bugesera District, Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA) organized a training session for One Stop Centre (OSC) technicians from 13 secondary cities satellite Cities Districts, urban districts within the City of Kigali and the City of Kigali itself. The training objective was to increase the capacity of Rwandan urban districts to design and implement informal settlement upgrading projects, mainstream ICT into urban planning services and streamline participatory urban development projects. The training session was organized in partnership with the Ministry of Local Government, Rwanda Housing Authority (RHA) with support from VNG International through the Inclusive Decisions at Local Level (IDEAL) project. The opening session was graced by the presence of Mr Augustin Kampayana, Head of Human settlement planning and development Department at RHA, Ms Paskaliah Kachianga, VNGI Resident program representative as well as Mr. Ladislas Ngendahimana, the Secretary General for RALGA.

In his opening remarks Mr. Kampayana commended RALGA’s commitment to build the capacity of LG staff so that they can drive the socio-economic transformation, focusing on the citizen livelihood. On his side, Mr ladislas insisted on the fact that the urbanization process has to be inclusive and that the OSC staff have to play their role of technical advisors to LG leaders in matter related to urbanization, especially solving issues of non-compliance to master plans, informal settlements, etc. Participants were advised to work closely with grassroots leaders, itorero and security organs to streamline inspection services.

The training was attended by 27 participants among which the director of the One Stop Centre Unit and the engineer in charge of construction and permitting from Rwanda’s six secondary city districts (Muhanga, Huye, Rusizi, Rubavu, Musanze and Nyagatare), four satellite city districts (Bugesera, Rwamagana, Gicumbi and Karongi) and three urban districts in the City of Kigali (Kicukiro, Nyarugenge and Gasabo), as well as the City of Kigali. They were imparted skills in urban upgrading, land readjustment, green and smart cities, green and smart buildings, the role of ICT in citizen engagement for pro-poor urban spatial planning, as well as in innovative municipal governance and financing model for participatory urban development projects. As part of expertise sharing between Netherlands and Rwandan Municipality, two experts from “We love the City”, a Dutch firm specialized in participatory urban planning processes (responsible for urban planning in the City of Amsterdam and Rotterdam) have co-facilitated the training sessions in close collaboration with experts from RHA.

Participants to the training committed to improve collaboration with local stakeholders and leaders to improve service delivery. Areas they wish to improve include urban upgrading, preventing expansion of informal settlement, control of infrastructure construction with focus on technical analysis. They also committed to provide guidance to decision makers on suitable solutions, and to practice some learnt innovative approaches for mobilizing resources for the implementation of development projects in line with master plan.

Mr. Ladislas Ngendahimana, Secretary General for RALGA welcoming participants

Mr Augustin Kampayana, Head of Human Settlement Planning and Development Department at Rwanda Housing Authority (RHA)

Ms Paskaliah Kachianga, VNGI Resident program representative

Participants and their trainer during a field visit